Tuesday, September 2, 2008

commuting or commotion?

As I ride the action verb wave of titles I come to a Y. This weekend I was challenged to morph "community" with a sense of life, growth, or fluidness (new word?) so two possible combos are commuting (community with the generic "ing" or "mutating") or commotion (...with motion).
Others: commovement (that sounds big business combine-a-name or gov't), commending (nice, if it wasn't already taken)

I'm reading "the forgotten ways" by Alan Hirsch and just found his blog today (even posted). Highly recommended to me and from me about the essence of reproducing the life of Christ, mostly in a community context. I won't attempt to review the book, especially because I'm not finished, but it is non-hype, non-trendy, solid, thought provoking-hopefully life changing words.

The challenge- allow myself to be changed by my community as they are led by the Spirit under the Lordship of Christ. I can do this. Not. Christ in me. It comes full circle. Love it!

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