Saturday, September 13, 2008

Changing belief systems

This was the title of a recent sales seminar I attended, which is why I went. But it's also what I want to do- not in a wholesale way but in respect to things that I can see that need to be changed.
After all, I've concluded that belief is demonstrated through life. Beliefs are meaningless, even worse than worthless if they aren't evident in my life. Why worse? Because it reinforces the idea that I can intellectually subscribe to one thing and live another-an idea straight from the enemies playbook.

I just read in a book to "act yourself into new ways of thinking, don't try to think yourself into new ways of acting". The point being, to me, is to just starting doing, being, acting what I want to believe instead of trying to get it all sorted out straight in my head before living it. It's a type of paradox I guess and it can activate my hypocrisy meter but the alternatives aren't attractive. For me personally I fight a little bit of perfectionism- thinking that it all has to be in place before it's implemented. That's critical for sending a man to the moon but this is just life and part of growing is falling down a little and learning how to walk better. Grateful and humble- a good posture for changing....

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