Saturday, February 7, 2009


I don't know the origins of the word godspeed but I've attached my own personal definition to it. This idea hit me when I was in Mexico with a group from OC and SD looking at some possible partnerships there. Godspeed is moving at the speed of God- which is neither too fast (not that I can get ahead of God, but I can forge ahead on my own agenda and time line in the western mindset of productivity and efficiency)nor too slow (that passive-aggresive digging in the heels when God is prompting)

Jesus moved at godspeed. Paul usually did, it seems. Peter finally figured it out (he was known for forging ahead at times). I want to figure this out-I want to move at godspeed more and more. It has to be Spirit controlled and when I'm "walking" like that, seeing life through His perspective- time warps a little bit. I'm in some kind of sync or rhythm. Noticeably absent are stress and anxiety (either from rushing or resisting)

What makes it most difficult to live at godspeed? "Culturespeed" to coin another word. If people around me are living on a frequency that's off, it will be harder to stay on God's 'frequency'. I can also point the finger right back at me, too. I can put expectations on myself of what I think others want and that can really foul up a good rhythm. I'm no musician but I know there's something about tuning to a standard. I know the Standard and I know how to tune (or actually how to let myself be tuned. My challenge is to recognize sooner when I'm out of sync. God help me.


John said...

Good insight.

Sharon G said...

Godspeed. More power to you, my friend, if you know what that is. Cause I have NO IDEA what that looks like.

Dan and Sarah said...

you have a blog..I love blogs!!

such good thoughts. such a hard thing to do. God help me as well. :)