Saturday, October 18, 2008

Exhaling (and other personal notes)

When I post like I just did below, it feels like a big exhale. It's a similar feeling that I have right after completing a proposal for a major project. WHEW!!!!!!!

I took an online test from a book called "now, discover your strengths". What I discovered was my 5 themes. Out of the 34 strengths these were determined to be mine: Intellection, Connectedness, Input, Achiever, and Responsibility. The point of the book is to concentrate on strengths and don't put so much time into trying to strengthen weaknesses. I like that! and it seems like that aligns well with reality.

Starting this blog was a good outlet for "intellection" (did anyone tell those authors that spell check does not appreciate that word?) Writing down my thoughts helps me to articulate and crystallize ideas. Reading (and now, multiple books at a time) is huge for my mental health- I could read all day.

Getting on Facebook is a great outlet for connectedness (and I'm really surprised that spell check buys that word- maybe I already added it to my dictionary). My brother Todd and I share this connectedness- we tease about his 'small world' theory, but deep down inside I'm a subscriber as well. I love watching people connect, hearing about people connect, to each other and their creator.

Acheiver and Responsibility find plenty of outlet as the owner of a remodeling firm. It's the Input label that has me a little confused. I may need to reread that part but if it's about organizing and systemitizing then I get it. My email folders and internet bookmarks look like the library of congress- it may be borderline OCD. When my physical world is organized I have peace. Isn't everyone like that? (ooops, a little tounge in cheek. sorry)

Speaking of PEACE, it's super high on my values. Probably right under TRUTH. I love peace but will not, can not sacrifice truth for it. (eternal, absolute truth- not temporary or relative truth)

Peace, J

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