Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Miracle from 2009

Another blast from the past that I don't want to forget. This is an email I sent to those who were praying about my stolen laptop:

Before I tell the story I want to thank all of you that prayed, helped, and felt my pain. Even though I was super discouraged at times, I felt very supported. THANKS!!!

Wed, April 15 – early am – my laptop and case were stolen out of my truck in the driveway. I had just put my backup memory stick in the case the day before. My ipod, three check books, credit cards, contractors license card and plenty of paper files and work diary were in the case as well. I filed a police report and got the feeling that it was a lost cause. I sent an email right away to many of you asking to pray for a miracle. That night my neighbor was filing a report for a car stereo also stolen at the same time. (my back up stick was always at the office- I had just decided the day before to bring it home figuring it would be safer. I had 3 years of business history, including templates on Word, Excel, and Project that I had custom made. The loss of this kept sinking in through the week, as I realized the extent of the loss was incalculable)

Most of the rest of the week was spent dealing with banks, credit agencies, and transferring auto debits. The thieves had used my email account for some unethical purposes and had access to all of my contacts- about 1500) I have a blackberry that I sync to my outlook so I did retain my contacts and calendar. Friday I bought a laptop online. I was actually ready for a new one as my Q key doesn’t work.

Saturday a guy from Corona called to say he found some of my paperwork discarded in an empty lot in Corona near his home. (better than nothing but I was still dying inside thinking of the loss)

Sunday Lyle loaned me his laptop to use and Cheri picked up the papers in Corona. The week was better emotionally as I gave up hope and decided to put it behind me and move on.

Thursday I went to my office, ‘read’ the paper (which is more like flipping the pages to see if anything catches my eye). Nothing caught my attention so I threw it out and opened my email to see that Dave sent an article from the Register about an arrest in Laguna Beach involving guys stealing laptops, etc. from vehicles. The guys are from Corona. My hope shot up to a 10 as I made calls to: the reporter, the LB PD, the OC Sheriff and waited.….

Here’s the word from Dave on seeing that article – Dave doesn’t even get the Register and hasn’t read it for over a year. He was taking his wife to the airport early in the morning and happened to see one in an unusual place and decided to pick it up. He never reads the section that the article was in but for ‘some reason’ decided to. When he saw the reference to Corona he thought of me and what I had told him earlier that week.

Thursday morning the LB PD called me and confirmed that the laptop in the article belonged to someone in LB had already been returned (Hope dropped again)

Thursday afternoon investigator Sims says that two suspects have admitted to 5 thefts in my neighborhood (about 15 miles from LB, where they were arrested, and 30 miles from Corona where they live). He told me that they released the suspects and would be working with them that night in Corona in a type of sting operation. (Hope rises again- my buddy Shaun called the hope-o-coaster)

Friday morning, April 24 investigator Sims left a message saying that one suspect said he threw it away (this is 9 days later). The other suspect said he sold it for $100. I didn’t even call the investigator back as hope is now gone for good. In an email to Glen though, I mentioned that a miracle is still possible.

Friday night in the middle of a movie, I recognize the number on my ringing phone as the investigator.

Sims “how ya doin?”

Me “I’m Ok I guess”

Sims “probably be better if you had your laptop, huh?”

Me “are you kidding me?”

Sims “why would I kid you? Come and get it!”

It would have been interesting to see my brain wave and heart graph at that point as the hope meter pegged out.

9:00 pm I had my laptop and it appears that I have not lost any documents or emails. I asked Sims if this was a miracle (rhetorical question to me). Sims “We get really lucky sometimes, this computer had changed hands at least 3 times”

Learnings – oh, forgot to mention that the Monday before the laptop was stolen I got an email from my business coach talking about staying in the learning zone vs. the comfort zone or the panic zone. This idea helped me keep perspective as I also knew that God knew and I could trust him. I realized how much of my identity was wrapped up in what I had done- I felt really lost as all my systems had vanished. I won’t be leaving valuables in my car overnight. Also the investigator told me to not use my remote lock to lock my car. Thieves have technology to intercept the signal and reuse it to unlock later. I also will (and already have) use online back ups. iDrive and Carbonite are two that were recommended. Asking for prayer is critical, I should do it more. Gratitude is a great state of mind.

Thanks again!


an old email

I found this when I was looking for something else. It's the end of email I wrote responding to a business associate who had really disappointed me and my client. It's one of those things I should read more often:

....I have come to the point in my life (it took me long enough) to realize that I can’t do ANYTHING apart from my Creator. Sure, I would have agreed with that intellectually but my life did not demonstrate it. (My personal view of integrity is the size of the gap between what I say I believe and how I actually live). God used some difficult times to show me how desperate life is without Him. It would amaze me that I could go through a difficult time and become so close to God, realizing how I really did need Him and then slowly start thinking that I could do fine on my own and not really keep that relationship alive. I would characterize about 20 years of my life in that cycle. I would like to think that I won’t ever go down that independent path again but, in fact, I start down that path about 30 times a day! It’s just natural to look out for myself and pride has many faces- It’s so unnatural to look to God and beg for help but I realized as our Father, that’s what he wants. He makes a point throughout the Bible in stories and in black and white that He resists the proud and gives grace to the humble. And scripture teaches us to “humble yourself” – interesting that it’s something that I can do myself. Better me than anyone else and better me than God actually. He prefers that I humble myself. How? Whenever I think of it, I ask God to help me. It’s that simple. But He knows my heart, my intentions, my motives and He knows if I’m just repeating some words or if it’s coming from deep within. “Help me” communicates to Him that I need His strength to draw my next breath, to think my next sane thought, to be His light in this world. It also nips pride in the bud. I love watching some baseball players look and point up after a good play or winning the game- it’s a great visual on giving God the credit and not taking it myself. But I’m a work in progress too and I hope that God can use me to cause others to look and point up.