Sunday, January 3, 2010

3 words for 2010

I've been all over the map in recent years with New Years Resolutions/Goals/ect. and this year I started thinking in terms of key words. The first two came to me in December: Perspective and Shalom. I was hoping the third would come before the first (for some reason I thought I "needed" three). Since it wasn't making itself known I had thoughts of just going with two. After all, these two are meta-theme type words that are very all encompassing so the third, if it were forced, may seem like a afterthought; the runt of the litter that would die an early death. I decided I would wait for the third but I grew impatient and tried to force it. Some of my forced ideas were "smile" and "action"- wow...
This morning we were meeting with our faith community and the message gave me my third word. I knew it the second I heard it! Incarnation. Another word pregnant (pardon the near pun) with meaning. Perfect and powerful! More on each next post....

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